According to Ribeiro (2008, P. 1): For in such a way, the professor must have knowledge on the educational potentials of the computer and to be capable to adequately alternate traditional activities of teach-learning and activities that use the computer. In this context, when recognizing the innumerable possibilities of the use of histories in quadrinhos in education by means of the job of this software, the professor made possible to the pupils the tool to deepen its knowledge, creating histories in quadrinhos. 5 – The Use of HagQu Software in the Production of Histories in Quadrinhos in the School Shining River Considering that the use of the technologies was inserted in the schools to help in the learning of the pupils, becomes necessary that the educational area dominates these tools technological, using them in the development of pedagogical activities aiming at the construction of the knowledge of the pupils The project was carried through having as reference the pupils of 5 year of the vespertine period of the Municipal School ' ' River Brilhante' ' with aid of the teacher regent Maria of Ftima Blacksmith of the Conceio and the teacher of the STE Adriana Joris. The teacher of the classroom detected in its pupils difficulties in the production of texts and in the writing, thus she considered to the pupils a creative and pleasant form to learn to create texts and to develop the writing by means of histories in quadrinhos. First a study regarding histories in quadrinhos by means of texts and illustrations was carried through, with a followed historical boarding of the systematization of the main elements that characterize the production of comicses, as the visual speech, resources, balloons, onomatopias, etc. With this exploration, that initially left of the magical world of comicses was worked diagramming of page, composition, creation of personages, scenes and history, developing in the pupil the mood and creative imagination.