Virtual Labs

There competition, who will receive the above estimate, and get all estimates. Therefore, every lesson labor discipline, and not under duress teacher. Student once distracted, it works and at the end of a lesson for the work will necessarily evaluate Everyone works in an individual mode, this is the main cause of high discipline and increased students' interest in this form of training. Students often ask teachers to give them the opportunity to learn a new lesson on their own theme on the computer for the electronic textbook. Student is offered a lot of material that all work out in class is impossible, but it's interesting. Therefore, students are asked teachers to put them to this electronic textbook on its home computers.

What a pleasure to do. The most common topics or themes for a repeat can be given to an independent study at home on electronic textbooks. And the lesson given 5-10 minutes to check e / space for answers to tests different levels. What is important when demands are rising as the number of hours for teaching the subject decreases. Other tier tests allow the student correctly assess their knowledge and skills and gradually climb above. Virtual Labs can be replayed and the house that develops the skills level of students. Students are much more likely to ask questions about homework, ie, interest in the subject increases. Students accustomed to the test, learn to compare, analyze, and learn to choose the most correct answer.

What is very important for the future of ct. According to test results during the lesson the teacher begins to see someone from students need individual support and assistance as he may all involved individually. When the correct organization of work on the computer the students there is no possibility of cheating, which teaches students to think, think, look for an answer, etc. Students who chose use come with requests to give them an electronic textbook for self-repetition, and study the physics of the house. In the future, using these electronic textbooks, I will the possibility of distance learning physics (eg, during cold weather when schools are closed or during the flu epidemic, etc.).

Educational Technology

In the attempt to search an evaluation of the understanding of the pupils concerning the argued subject, it was asked for that they confectioned its proper histories in quadrinhos that would have to treat on inertia. Our objective with this type of activity was, beyond propitiating an activity that stimulated the creativity of the learning, to explore the characteristics of formatting histriasem of them quadrinhos. The HQspossuem a writing of easy and accessible form, what it allows in them to infer that, a pupil to deal with a complex subject as inertia inside the one context quadrinho, it would have that to possess a knowledge on the content, so that it could deal with it form contextualizada with the narrative that it would consider for its personages. A comics with histories created for the pupils in the classroom was elaborated, for after that working in the STE (Room of Educational Technology) with the HagQu program. The teacher of the STE explained all the tools of the program with the use of datashow, by means of which, the pupils had started to know and to train each available tool in the program in the computer. In the following lesson the available resources in educative software had started to create histories in quadrinhos using, the doubts on the part of the pupils had been few, obtained to create with easiness histories in quadrinhos, however, had had difficulty and many errors in the writing, as mediating in the learning of the pupils, the teacher regent indicated, stimulated the due corrections. Valley the penalty to add, that during the lessons developed in the technology room, the pupils had demonstrated to more interest and will to carry through the activities proposals, revealing anxious for the accomplishment of the lessons in the STE. Carrying, to work with this subject being used the computers and the HagQu program it provoked in the pupils a great one progress in relation the production of texts and the verbal language, since, had been motivated with this way to create histories in quadrinhos, since, was in the technology room using the HagQu program that they had shown what they had learned in the theory through the practical one.


According to Ribeiro (2008, P. 1): For in such a way, the professor must have knowledge on the educational potentials of the computer and to be capable to adequately alternate traditional activities of teach-learning and activities that use the computer. In this context, when recognizing the innumerable possibilities of the use of histories in quadrinhos in education by means of the job of this software, the professor made possible to the pupils the tool to deepen its knowledge, creating histories in quadrinhos. 5 – The Use of HagQu Software in the Production of Histories in Quadrinhos in the School Shining River Considering that the use of the technologies was inserted in the schools to help in the learning of the pupils, becomes necessary that the educational area dominates these tools technological, using them in the development of pedagogical activities aiming at the construction of the knowledge of the pupils The project was carried through having as reference the pupils of 5 year of the vespertine period of the Municipal School ' ' River Brilhante' ' with aid of the teacher regent Maria of Ftima Blacksmith of the Conceio and the teacher of the STE Adriana Joris. The teacher of the classroom detected in its pupils difficulties in the production of texts and in the writing, thus she considered to the pupils a creative and pleasant form to learn to create texts and to develop the writing by means of histories in quadrinhos. First a study regarding histories in quadrinhos by means of texts and illustrations was carried through, with a followed historical boarding of the systematization of the main elements that characterize the production of comicses, as the visual speech, resources, balloons, onomatopias, etc. With this exploration, that initially left of the magical world of comicses was worked diagramming of page, composition, creation of personages, scenes and history, developing in the pupil the mood and creative imagination.

Employment Center

It is also possible to ranking among the classes, so students will know that it estimates are needed not only him but also the entire class. That can be more exciting than the competition, with the subtotals that you can watch? High school students will be able to test their preparation for the exam using the terminal. Finding interesting information, the student will be able to share it with my friends. To do this he will need to pass her science teacher. 3) The quality of education due to the appearance of an alternative source of knowledge that is of interest in school. Motivation to learn and interest in knowledge will improve the quality of education.

It is best to remember what we learn on their own, when we are interested. 4) You receive an additional opportunity to discover talents of students. The terminal will provide an opportunity students show their work wide audience and get feedback from them. Poems, paintings, video works, music, computer programs, and more can be accommodated at the terminal. The best poet, musician or the artist can also be rewarded. / p> 5) All useful information about the school in one place. Terminal – is, above all, a single information center where it can store a large amount of information that is provided in convenient form.

It may be information about the overall work of the school announcements for parents, students and teachers. Hard copy – leave in the past: they are inconvenient, costly and often irrelevant. Schools educate future generations so students should have access to advanced technology now. The terminal can store a much larger volume of information compared to paper-based. In this case it may also be a complement to the existing stands and become a reliable assistant students, their parents and staff shkoly.Terminal may provide the following services: Notify parents via sms-service to the parish school and child care from nee.Oplata Additional services provided by service provider shkoloy.Oplata svyazi.Pechat A4 documents (abstracts, papers, etc.). Telephony with terminal student will get access to your personal page, which he calls his parents in the pre-listed nomera.Dostup to various information resources, among which may be site of the school, personal pages of students and teachers, the department's website for Youth, Employment Center, Children's health camps, sports and music schools and so on. The formation of a common information space within the school community, city, state, region. Pupils will be able to communicate with their peers from other schools. Undertake joint activities and events to receive current information on events in the mode of on-line.

Learning Language

The Internet is the ability to read and watch the news giants such as cnn, bbc, Rater, so to speak, first hand, without waiting for the Russian Service will prepare a transfer, citing a source, read blogs from around the world watch movies and read books in their original language, without waiting for their translation into Russian. As you can see, with the knowledge of languages you are always one step ahead. Today I'm learning two languages simultaneously. You can not imagine what a mess at this is in my head but it's worth it – it is impossible to convey the feeling when you are free to speak with someone totally from another country, another culture, their language. For days to sit with a book and teach "Irregular verbs in English" is a deadly bore.

I will try on their own experience to tell you how to diversify language learning, how to combine business with pleasure, using a computer and the Internet. I think we all love the movie. Someone comedy with Jim Carrey, some militants with Bruce Lee, and someone Reviews. Most high-quality movies Hollywood produces today, which is known to speak primarily to English. Watching movies in their original language, you really raise your level of hearing a live speech from the lips of native speakers. Agree to learn and remember the phrase, said Bruce Willis, and not a teacher at school / university / to courses much easier Additionally, you win that many jokes and the "chips" of the films disappear after their translation into Russian.