Creativity Training In Kharkov

In our lexicon the word "creativity" comes from the west at the time when the fallen "Iron Curtain" and the country began to actively absorb all the foreign technology, automatically learning from and with all the relevant terminology. We also have and my word – creativity. The term creativity is derived from the English word create – create. Creativity of words to create, creator. Basically the same thing.

When I say the word work – most people have The following associations: crafts, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, acting. Others including Eliot Horowitz, offer their opinions as well. When I say the word creativity – there are several other associations: unusual haircuts, original, bright clothes, artsy, unusual, defiance; show; music videos, fashion movie. Let's be clear: in the future by the words, creativity, and creativity we mean the same thing – creating a new product. Product may be all that everything: home, machine, hair, pictures, books, emotion, etc. Each of us has in our lives that is creating, and of course, wants to make it more successful. It is about how to make this process more successful and will be discussed later. Mankind has long praised the cult of "genius creator." As part of this cult concepts such as talent, genius may seem a gift from God, a gift from birth. This leads to the fact that the average person is very often stifled in his impulses toward creativity simply because it does not feel like a genius. How can this be done? You can accept this point of view: all the "geniuses" are ordinary people who could very well create your own products that sooner or later become a very popular humanity.

The Meaning of Honesty

Oh, sir! To be honest, as the world is going to be a man chosen from among ten thousand. William Shakespeare is unfortunate as constantly read and heard reports that many managers are involved in corruption, dishonest behavior, leaving much to say about their ethics, values. Why is that?, Of course, because they could not cultivate their virtues, vices leave quickly imprisoned, errors that contaminate their behavior, leaving much to say about her acting. Management within their role, carrying out their duties, maintain a positive attitude to the people who directs, be ethical, honest behavior, remember as has been written about honesty, which is a quality of man which the person is determined to choose always act based on truth and true justice. Honesty is a fundamental condition for human relationships, for friendship and true community life.

Honesty stains the life of trust, sincerity and openness to life. The Honesty is closely related to humility, dignity, character, ideals and greatness. Wikipedia broad more when we indicated that honesty is a quality of human quality that is to behave and speak with consistency and sincerity, and in accordance with the values of truth and justice. It is to live according to how you think and feel. In its most obvious sense, honesty can be understood as the simple respect for the truth in relation to the world, the events and persons, in other ways, honesty also involves the relationship between the subject and others, and the subject with same. Because intentions are closely related to justice and relate to the concepts of "honesty" and "dishonesty", there is widespread confusion about the true meaning of the term. .

Three Main Objectives Of Sand Industry

According to the development environment of the building materials in China, sand and gravel industry should develop towards the following three main objectives:1. Saving resources and developing artificial sand. At present, the production of natural and artificial sand account for 50% sand respectively. However, with the reduction of natural sand resources and the need for environmental protection, developing artificial sand is the future trends. 2 Getting benefits from technology and industrial deepening construction. Currently, our society has entered a period of industrialization as a whole and some backbone enterprises of the sand and gravel industry has made great achievements in management, mechanization level equipment factory (sand making machine, sand washer) and the degree of automation. The sand and gravel industry must conduct a few efforts to practice in the above aspects, if they cannot do well in these facets, to some extent, they will not keep up with the pace of industrialization of the whole society.

The sand industry should change their concepts and they should not only focus on the operating and efficiency. The sand industry should establish high standards, which will bring up a chain reaction. And then the operation mode will be adjusted, operating system to be changed and the market will be active again so that the productivity of labor, management level and especially the use ratio of sand and gravel will significantly improve. The quality of the gravel and the system to ensure the quality of the sand and gravel will be effectively guaranteed, the organization guarantee will also be more reliable and the development of sand industry is just a matter of 2. Extending industry chain and increasing the value-added of products. The extension of the sand and gravel industry is a two-pass, the upward direction is to develop and manufacture mining machinery and the downward direction is to develop commercial concrete and construction, having large development space. The room for the alliances and reorganization of enterprises is large and it can sand combine with concrete, cement, mining, machinery manufacturing, sales and other industries to make a cross-industry, cross-cutting industry integration group.

Taking cement industry as example, it needs to study the upstream and downstream industries when doing its own industry well. Learning from the development experience of cement, sand and gravel industry can determine their position in the big industrial chain. The sand enterprises should get benefits from the, conduct deep processing of the products to make value-added, make full use of the advantages of other industries, implement the good idea and have the courage to go beyond.

Like Being Successful In The Comics According To Stan Lee

There is something magical about Stan Lee: It is like a superhero disguised with a buttoned shirt and trousers color cinnamon. Its powerful voice and its magnetic behavior make fall the jaws and the eyes are abren throughout in the different rooms where it presents/displays his conference on like being successful in comics. Stan Lee most of played an important role in the creation of the favorite superheroes of cmics of the world at present. It conceived and it wrote extensive lines of the history of Spider-Man (the Man Spider), the Incredible Hulk, the X-Men, the Four Fantastic ones, Iron Man, Thor, Daredevil, Doctor Strange and other many superheroes and villains for Marvel. Altogether, it has contributed to the 90 percent of the personages of the company of cmics and it made to traverse marketing and licenses recognizable and popular. It has been the promotion done by Lee and the concession of licenses of those personages which has given to its company a lasting influence him. From 1965, the superheroes of Marvel have jumped of the pages of cmics to disguises and stores of toys, cartoons Saturdays in the morning and famous films. He is not scared to confront serious problems, is more, used ” The Amazing Spider-Man” in order to discuss the social problems of the drug abuse in 1971.

Many of the superheroes and villains of Lee are complicated personages, which allows him to weave social debates in cmics which they help to fortify the social weave. Personages of X-Men like ” Professor X” and ” Magneto” , for example, they fight with opposite philosophies but like mutant strangers who are persecuted – and they are outside the law – but always considering the importance of the ethics, something that can be seen in the real life in any reporter of television without existing what is the moral ethics. In spite of its success, the fame and the fortune, Lee approach fans of a very personal way with the idea to impel its creations like its company Marvel Comics. In all comic strips, ” writes a called column; Soapbox Stan” , as well as a called page ” Bullpen Boletines” , in that it writes directly to the reader, more like a letter of a friend who a letter of the publisher.

Electronic Document Management

Software: Let's clear organization chart of account: The information system 1C: Manage the insurance company 8 allows you to fully automate the management of insurance accounting in the insurance company and arrange a single information database. Employment offices may be in the on-line or through the mechanisms of the distributed information database. Additional data base ADB: Electronic Document Management 8, lets you store electronic documents (scanned or other files) that are attached by users of 1C: Manage the insurance company. This scheme of information storage designed for large amounts of storage, which is achieved by storing files in a separate database. User-friendly interface that adapts to the program 1C: Manage the insurance company, allows users to work in one basis and do not suspect the existence of a system for storing files.

The introduction of a centralized process of settlement of losses: To obtain positive results from the process of centralized Claims requires a convenient mechanism for storing information that allows to control the timing and maintain a system of alerts. This mechanism was designed by 'DT-SOFT'. It integrates into the system 1C: Manage the insurance company, 8 and allows you to: attach files to documents system, producing an automatic scan and save a file from 1C to automatically assign tasks to users and inform them about it (assign tasks automatically distributed based on the workload of individual staff offices) to the settlement of losses under the scheme of the business process, making the settlement process is automatically sent to unit staff (experts, engineers, accountants). For example, the collection of all documents and perform the relevant task branch staff, there is an automatic appointment of an expert of the central office, which accompanies this case until the settlement or the direction of the insured failure. arrange a convenient and intuitive interface, which will be the user's desktop to create mechanisms monitoring and reporting, which allow you to control cases, to inform on overdue cases, managers monitor the work of subordinate employees through this mechanism there is a complete automation of the process of settlement of losses and achieved positive results in insurance companies and provide the service company's clients.

Academic Works

The schools they will take umtempo to make the adequacy of these new technologies. With new tantalinguagem, a certain unreliability is common. Still it finds-semuita resistance, mainly on the part of the professors, cujagerao not ‘ ‘ plugada’ was born; ‘. Many exactly arrive desistirescondendo itself behind traditional ‘ ‘ cuspe and giz’ ‘. It is important umacapacitao of the faculty so that the fears, the unreliability eoutros factors do not hinder to fulfill them its mission of educator. However, this does not come happening. It is common public eminstituies, closed laboratories of computer science porfalta of qualification pedagogical technique and. What it could be umaliado turns field conflicts and, the machines are abandoned.

The figure of alunotambm suffers modification. It dominates the technology better and to podeser a partner of the professor in the exchanges of experiences. Over all, many times, this pupil can present itself arrogant and presumptuous. Professors and queas pupils must join themselves to take off optimum advantage TIC can to offer. Aoprofessor fits the aid in the analysis and synthesis of the information; aconfrontao between the materials (it has products multimedia that we pedagogically sopssimos and others that are excellent, but malaproveitados); to alert on the credibility of the consultation sources, among others. It leaves of being umtransmissor to know and becomes a mediator and facilitador daaprendizagem. Already of the pupil, bigger responsibility in ‘ expects; ‘ aprender’ ‘.

To prevent situaesonde is considered that, from the moment where if it knows umamquina can be transformed it into pedagogical tool and everything que produced by the technology generates original products very, prudente. What verdadeiramente important it is to use to advantage the TIC to awake ogosto and the pleasure to learn. 3. Conclusion Is certain that the TICpodem to be allied if we want a democratic education and decisivana construction of the citizenship. In these questions, oprofessor appears as focus, therefore its generation is not toacostumada with the new technologies. It needs well to be trained ecapacitado, in case that contrary, is discouraged and feels itself impotent. Overwhelming, he finishes not giving to account it its paper, already tosobrecarregado for external factors: extenuante hours of working, low wage, violence (Brazilian reality). With umarevitalizao of the faculty and renewed credibility nasociedade, the professor can be one ‘ ‘ spring mestra’ ‘ of the novastecnologias the service of the education. These, undeniably vierampara to enrich and to cheer academic environments. But we do not nosesqueamos of Brazil and its deep inaqualities. This still para few (for how much time). 4. RefernciasBibliogrficas KAWAMURA, L. New technologies and education. So Paulo: It stokes, 1990. IT HISSES, Jose Maria of, SILVEIRA, Emerson Sena.Apresentaode Academic Works.

Windows Vista

On the same configuration under Windows xp was the same 9950 figure of parrots. So the difference in performance given the high interface settings – in around 1%! So why scare gamers? Part Six. Games and Vista. "New broom >> Just at the time of installation, I whiled away the evening (passing in the night) for: stalker (2007); Infernal (2007); FlatOut2 (2006); Sniper Elite (2005). At them and decided to go check out the work with the new version of Windows. The fact that immediately caught my eye: stalker looks much prettier and more impressive, most likely because of the support for DirectX 10, which is integrated into Vista. However, I have met before in the network mention that under Vista it has a tendency to "fail>> to occur frequently emissions in the system, etc.

After 5 minutes of the game, after an attempt to quickly save, really spewed into the system. On Windows xp Pro SP2 this was not observed; Infernal – without any problems and prettier; FlatOut2 – without any problems; Sniper Elite – no problems. Part Seven. Epilogue. "What do we >> So, what can be said as a result: Virtually certain that most users will install Windows Vista will not cause any difficulties. A large number of masters, it is easy to see the information, simple menus, descriptive information (!) facilitate and simplify the setting – a problem with it, too, will not.

The process of working with various applications, photos, videos – enjoyable. Not fast, but absolutely not slow. Very precisely fit the floor "Smooth>>. I could not tell for sure. In games on Vista not seen specific slowdowns, but there are some problems (STALKER), which is expected in the near future will be resolved with the help of patches. So if you have a computer that meets the requirements of Vista (more here), then the specific reasons for the delay, in principle, no. I am sure, after upgrading to Vista, you'll discover for yourself, no pleasant and a new quality. Well, maybe, before it did go up end stalker!


Nowadays with the development of new technologies every day we hear about any updates from the world of technology, such as a new model of the player, any device to your computer, mobile phone with a new feature and so on. All these device 'includes' to us in life and become known to us at all may not understand the word 'gadget'. This word came to us, as you probably already guessed, all of those same States. In English, the word 'gadget' – device, the device. That is, an electronic "assistant" to help us or make our lives easier, more pleasant. At the same time, they are not directly facilitate our life, for example, help to work with other devices As, for example, laptop coolers, etc.

Total – gadgets is not only help us, but complement, or as they say 'wash' for other devices … Today gadgets are divided into: home, music, new technology (computers, iPods, PDAs), the concept and finally, transport. You can, of course, share obpredelenie 'gadgets' for more in-depth, but I think that these will suffice. The most 'advanced' are gadgets from categories concept – 'Fantastic' gadgets. For example, it is of any robot, invented by Japanese ucheymi, new technologies (well, where are now without a computer) and transport (here are GPS-navigators, for example). The remaining columns are also developing pretty intense, but they are less popular to the public. Now I want to ask: 'What do we benefit from these gadgets?'.

My answer is simple. As the saying goes: 'To what'. Someone buys a new ipod Apple just to listen to your favorite music on the road, someone orders a detachable monitor to your laptop for easy reading from the screen, and someone wants to buy a lamp hours 'antique' to show off to friends and add to the collection … so, we can see that someone is using our 'Helpers' really care for, comfort or pleasure, and someone just decides to stand out in such a way (forgetting to remove the price tag to 3 or even 4-digit number) … As a result of this publication will give an answer to the original question: 'What do we benefit from these same gadgets? " – Not a small .. Definitely great. After all, if they were not so important for us, we would not spend the money to buy them, but around the world would not work as many stores as online and in real Life for the sale of these same gadgets. Their significance for us is great, and their purpose – for each is different … It's not for nothing they say, 'Oh no accounting for tastes' …

Efficient Organizational Development

Only from this understanding (actually a few national companies, difficult to believe that looks do not really know) you can design a strategy that takes into account the entire organization as a whole and perfect the product realization process that will meet and exceed customer expectations so profitable. Not much use having a production process globally competitive, if our marketing process, marketing, distribution, research and development, among others, are not the same level, as we will be a non-efficient and therefore such non-competitive that is why the emphasis is on improvement and development strategies taking a very organization as a whole not in parts. In organizations that seek to be efficient (as mentioned, to be competitive) all areas and functions must work together to focus on the elements that make the greatest contribution to success. Another aspect to consider in the pursuit of efficiency is organizational culture and commitment of the members of the company. Organizations are so strong, robust and agile as its members. The level of motivation of each one of them will be linked internal relations and working environment. Appropriate communication channels, the characteristics of education and training that are given are factors that will have direct impact on organizational efficiency.

Creating efficient organization first thing to do is determine where you are now, no strategy can be verified in its efficacy if it has an initial state (before application) and a final state (after application) to compare the changes. Then determine where they are going to have a definite direction. Know and be clear about the actual performance (value for money) of the processes is vital to develop improvement plans for the future, please note that you must take decisions based on real information and not to subjectivities. Any organization looking to optimize their processes should work with a client-based approach which analyzes the uses and expectations and has given the client, and not on the basis of what we believe the customer will or pending product. Analyze, ongoing problems of an organization do not give that officials are willing to be wrong, but rather gives by poor internal communication, by uncoordinated and poorly designed and planned processes.

Determine the critical factors of communication channels and processes, analyze because they are critical and how to improve the process to increase the likelihood of customer satisfaction following internal or external. Establish a culture of discipline, but not rigid rules, does not have as many companies, compliance with rigid rules flexible, more flexible rules establish standards and rigid enforcement, you get better results. Ensure the establishment in each of the areas and processes of your organization. Design training programs based on the results of the analysis of customer needs and expectations about the product or service you offer. Evaluate the use of such training, a practical and theoretical. Remember that training is an investment not applied to water circulation. Do your staff know the results of such training to be aware of their achievement. Work on developing a culture of commitment to continuous improvement, but mostly start with yourself. It's very different that is committed to work demonstrating that commitment in daily activities. From the achievement of the above, you can start the implementation of management tools such as quality systems, six sigma and others, always in coordination and linkage with its strategic plan, with greater probability of success.

Wagner Litzinger Engine

' ' High protection pedal: To disactivate operation if transform-key, ' ' Programmable with the RS-232. Atualizvel software. WindowsGUI supplied software gratuitously. Optional characteristics ' ' PWMable Estornar has alarmed. ' ' Brake Key for regeneration. ' ' Brake of analogical entrance for the continuous 0 variable regeneration. Specifications ' ' Frequency clock: 16.6kHz. ' ' Current Standby: less than 3 me.

' ' chain supply, PWR, 150me. ' ' Standard Entered Throttle: 0-5K, 5-0K ohms, 0-5 Volts, 5-0 Volts. ' ' Brake and Analogical Entered Throttle: 0-5 Volts. ' ' Reverse has alarmed: controller One is about umequipamento that he will need to be installed in the compartment of on engine and to cabodo pedal of the accelerator. General information Other elements necessary to complete the conversion of the electric vehicle: Ten batteries acid lead of 100 the 12 VCabos for ligaoConectores of bateriInstrumentos of measurement contactorCarregador voltmeter and ampermetroChave of bateriasParafusos and nuts Key on/off important Comment: the batteries are on in series, and must be montadapor a person specialized in electric, the incorrect linking can ocasionardanos to the equipment as well as accident risk, the electric instrumentation doveiculo must be fed by a battery the part of on one to the engine, ainstalao of the batteries must well be distributed similar of if getting umequilbrio between axles. It can be acquired the engine, controller and potentiometer nosEUA for + – U$ 1,900, increased of 60% of taxes of importation on valordos produtos+frete, unhappyly we do not have manufacturers of these components noBrasil, the too much item can be acquired in the domestic market, conversoaparentemente can be with a high value, to put the environment are thankful. Joo Wagner Litzinger